Document Translation
Technical Translation
Translation Memory
Desktop Publishing
Translation in Teams
Technical Writing
French Translation
German Translation
Spanish Translation
Italian Translation
Dutch Translation
Russian Translation
Portuguese Translation


Desktop Publishing

XinYiTong Translation 's multilingual in-house DTP team has extensive technological expertise as well as solid typographical experience in character and alphabet languages.

Working on Windows and Apple Macintosh computers, our studio is fully equipped with a large collection of multilingual fonts and standard word-processing, page-makeup and graphics software. Our extensive management, translation and publishing resources ensure that we can deliver projects quickly, and in the format that you need, hence reducing your time to market.

Desktop publishing and multimedia Not only must the words be correct for global markets, but the words must be presented effectively and appropriately. We offer comprehensive production and layout capabilities—with a strong eye for overall design.

Layout artists can take the project from conception all the way through to camera-ready art, respecting the design and typographical requirements of global markets. We are one of the few companies that can provide Asian layout in an electronic format, in addition to providing RC paper or film output.

Design and layout Even a perfect translation can be marred by incorrect hyphenation or disregard for international publishing standards. Working with you, we can establish and maintain comprehensive formatting guidelines, including:

length restrictions
rules for treatment of foreign-language text expansion
use of hyphenation
treatment and placement of diagrams, graphics and call-outs
any icons and symbols and their treatment and placement within the layout For multilingual documents created by your in-house staff or by third parties, we can proof final artwork for correct text placement, broken type and line breaks.

We support all major software applications, including:

MS Office Suite
WordPerfect Suite

We also converts single-language layout templates to multilingual templates that adhere to the latest regulatory requirements of your target markets. Multilingual documents will have a look and feel consistent with your current materials. Our designers will suggest ways of keeping the documents as short as possible.

Customer service is what we're all about. We're ready to provide your business with global translation services coupled with seamless localization for a variety of applications, ranging from high-tech documents to internal memos. These may include:

Product documentation
Direct access localization for users
User Guides
Direct marketing material
Annual reports
Promotional material
Training manuals
White papers
Technical sheets
Intranet or Internet/Web pages
Internal memos
Help files
Audiovisual and multimedia presentations
Presentations and slideshows
Available Presentation Formats
Multimedia Presentation
Documents in Word, PageMaker, QuarkXpress, Frame+SGML, etc.

Text verification (e.g. paragraph set up, sentence structure, grammar, spelling, terminology and style)



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