西蜀豆花庄东方广场店经理赵鹏举: 以科学经营品牌, 将节约成本进行到底
满眼浓浓绿意, 一片古朴秀美。繁花簇锦的各式招牌中, 看到了南方建筑风格的回廊和水景, 你就来到了西蜀豆花庄东方广场店。在川菜大行其道的今天, 西蜀豆花庄以展示天府文化、播种西蜀品牌为己任, 主推新派改良川菜。左有俏江南的拦截, 右有吉野家的追击, 经理赵鹏举积极运用现代的科学管理手段, 在美食林立的东方广场中, 将西蜀豆花庄的形象, 深深植入每个人的心中深圳翻译公司。
Manager Zhao Pengju and Xishu Douhuazhuang (Oriental Plaza Branch) Build a brand through scientific concept and make every endeavour to save cost during operation.
The restaurant is noted for its natural and simple style.
Among numerous restaurants, you will find that there is one restaurant made in the style of south architecture. Inside the restaurant, you will see a corridor and waterscape. This is the Xishu Douhuazhuang located in the Oriental Plaza. Today, Sichuan food has become more and more popular among the public, and Xishu Douhuazhuang focuses on serving improved Sichuan food by introducing catering culture and promoting its brand. Between the South Beauty Restaurant and Yoshinoya, Manager Zhao Pengju implants the image of Xishu Douhuazhuang in people's minds by using modern scientific management method.
荟萃天下美食, 迎家家满意
北京中粮西蜀豆花庄餐饮集团, 是以经营正宗川菜为主体的餐饮公司。自1990年成立以来, 依靠自己的热情服务, “奉献最好饮食、传递健康信息”在京城食客里确立了自己的位置。西蜀川菜除了保持川菜的特色以外, 即发掘古法菜式, 又开创新品菜肴, 使西蜀的菜品在京城食客中有口皆碑。也正因此, 西蜀才能够跻身于东方广场这样的黄金重地, 为自己的品牌树立新形象北京专业翻译公司。
Serve delicious dishes all around the world to meet different tastes.
Beijing Zhongliang Xishu Douhuazhuang Catering Co., Ltd is engaging in serving authentic Sichuan food. Since it was founded in 1990, the company has established its position in Beijing based on its enthusiastic service, delicious food and emphasis on health. We not only maintain the traditional feature of Sichuan food (i.e. serving traditional Sichuan food), but also introduce many new dishes, thus, winning praises from Beijing people. This enables us to set up a restaurant in Oriental Plaza (the golden area in Beijing) and build a new image for our brand.