尽管最近几个月, 随着救市政策效果的显现, 中国GDP增速逐渐企稳, 但如何尽快实现经济增长方式的转型, 即从过度依赖出口(以及政府投资)拉动经济增长转向主要依靠消费拉动经济增长已经成为摆在中国政府面前的一个亟待解决的问题, 而这个问题能否得到顺利解决则关系着中国经济未来的增长潜力。英语翻译
Although GDP growth rate of China in recent months have come to a steady pace thanks to the governmental policy, it is still a pressing problem to be solved for Chinese government regarding the mode of driving economic growth by excessively depending upon export (and government investment) to the mode of driving economic growth by consumption, and the solution to the problem in a smooth manner will determine the growth potential of Chinese economy in the future.
另一方面, “百年一遇”的金融海啸对发达国家冲击更加巨大, 美国、欧元区、英国以及日本等发达经济体代表均在2009年上半年陷入严重萎缩, 虽然近期经济复苏的嫩芽开始显露, 但要想完全恢复到危机前的繁荣景象却绝非易事甚至不太可能。因此, 在未来相当长的一段时期, 除美国外的欧元区、英国、日本等几个重要发达国家在全球的影响力很可能逐步下降, 此消彼长, 以“金砖四国”为代表的新兴市场国家对全球经济增长的贡献将有扩大之势, 那么中国如何在世界经济格局的演变中找准自己的位置(尤其是中美关系的协调)并发挥相应的作用就显得异常重要。日语翻译
On the other hand, a-hundred-year financial crisis hit developed countries more severely, these monetary representatives of developed economies, such as America, Euro-zone, United Kingdom and Japan, all have been caught in severe shrinkage. Although recently, economy have begun to recover, it is by no means easy, instead, even impossible that economy gets fully recovered to the extent of prosperity before economic crisis. Consequently, in the coming long period, euro-zone except America, United Kingdom and Japan, these several important developed countries' influence on the whole world will likely fall off gradually. Nevertheless, one man's loss is another's gain, the Emerging Market Countries with BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) as representatives are likely to make more contributions to global economic growth, in that way, it is very important that how China positions itself (most of all, coordinate relationship between China and America) in evolvement of global economic pattern and play appropriate roles.