This spreadsheet has been created using Australian Dollars (AUD), and is based on the costs of setup and operation in Australia. To ensure accuracy we did not want to make assumptions as to the costs in China. It is very likely the costs in Australia are much higher than in China possibly by (10% – 20%). Once you understand the spreadsheet and the driving programs being proposed, it is suggested that you formulate a new spreadsheet with revised costs for China.
电子表格采用的货币单位是澳元北京翻译公司,预算是根据澳大利亚的开办成本和运营成本制定的,因此这些成本的金额可能并不反映中国的实际情况,澳大利亚的成本可能要比中国的高10% – 20%。建议您以这套电子表格为模版,根据驾驶培训课程对中国的实际成本进行调整,重新建立一份预算表。
This is the Year 1 budget estimate. In Year 2, there will not be the capital expenditure of setup and significant reductions in marketing and monthly operating costs. If Year 1 has been successful, course attendance fees can rise without adverse reductions in participant numbers.
Whilst this budget estimate is based on our considerable experience and market research and every effort has been made to ensure the figures are accurate and deliverable, no guarantees are supplied. The actual performance of the China Driving Academy will depend on many factors beyond our control and we in no way accept any liability for errors, shortfalls or poor performance.