在俯台的空间中, 亲身体验全球最极致的城市峰景只是日常生活形态之一
In the space of the platform, experiencing the most amazing urban scenery in the world on your own is just one of daily routines.
这里不仅将全球世界十大奇迹建筑之一, 新央视双Z大楼引入您的私人家庭景观中, 百米高空之上, 更能把国际都市公有的天际景观最大程度的在中国CBD、在你的视野中实现私有。
This will not only be one of miracle buildings in the world. New CCTV Double-Z building will come to your personal family scenery. 100m above the ground, you will have the public horizon scenery shared by the cosmopolitan city in the CBD in China and in your visual field to the maximum degree.
渗透什么最稀罕, 对你来说不只是种眼力, 更是种能力。海德公园1号, 纽约中央公园, 比对世界城市中央最昂贵的天价公寓, 拥有无法复制的稀缺绿色资源成为衡量顶级豪宅的不二法则, 俯台周围, 同样环拥着全世界最顶级的生活配套, 最奇缺的城市中央绿地。
What is rare in the world? As for you, this does not simply mean taste, but also signifies capacity. One Hyde Park and Central Park, compared with the sky-high price apartments in urban centers in the world, this CBD owns rare green resources that are not available in future as the only principle to measure top class houses. Top level auxiliary living facilities and the rarest urban greenbelts are around the platform.
倚公园、绿地而生, 在城市中央私享和珍视充满活力的生态环境与大地场景, 这不仅是生命的偏爱, 更是对少数顶峰人生的最高犒慰
Beside the park and greenbelts, enjoying the central urban areas and dynamic ecological environment and land, not only your life deserves it, but also it is a great treat for a few elite people.