额度授信是商业银行控制集团客户风险的核心手段 英语口译, 通过集团客户额度授信, 核定集团整体的额度总量, 对授信额度在集团各成员之间的分布做出详细安排, 达到对集团客户实施总量控制结构调整的风险管理目的。
Amount credit extension is the core means for commercial banks to control the risk of group customers. Through the credit extension for group customer, the total amount for the group is checked and verified, and the distribution of amount of credit extension among the members is arranged in detail to achieve the purpose of controlling the risk of re-structuring for group customer.
国内商业银行在单一客户额度授信模式基础上逐步发展了集团客户额度授信基本步骤, 明确了客户边界识别、集团客户整体的虚拟信用评级和风险限额测算、集团客户授信额度总量在各成员内分布以及组织跨多机构和层级的授信业务流程等问题的方法, 初步建立了国内商业银行集团客户授信模式。
Domestic commercial banks gradually develop the basic procedure for amount credit extension for group customer based on amount credit extension mode for single client, clearly identify the boundary of the clients, the virtual credit rating and risk measurement for group customer in general, and the methods for problems of distribution of total amount of credit extension among the members, and the organization of the credit extension at levels for multiple agencies, to preliminarily establish the credit extension mode for group customer of domestic commercial bank.
国内商业银行集团客户授信管理的实践也暴露出内外部环境的很多问题。相关制度法规尚不完善, 对集团客户授信风险管理的支撑较为薄弱; 监管机构的监管制度不够合理, 政策一刀切, 口径不清晰, 束缚了商业银行风险管理能力的提升; 市场和客户信息共享不充分, 造成资源浪费和效率低下 上海翻译; 商业银行内部管理能力和体系仍显滞后, 在集团客户授信管理各环节存在漏洞, 凸显出管理机制与风险管理要求的不相适应。
The management practices of credit extension of group customer of domestic commercial banks also reveal many problems of internal and external environment. Relevant laws and regulations are still not perfect, and the support provided to the risk management of credit extension for group customer is relatively weak; the regulatory bodies don’t have reasonable monitoring system, which adopts uniform policies without clear calibration and restricts the improvement of risk management capabilities of commercial banks; information-sharing of market and customer is not sufficient, resulting in the waste of resources and inefficiency; besides, the internal management capacity and system of commercial banks are still backward, and there are loopholes in links of credit extension management for group customer, which highlights that it is incompatible of the management mechanisms and risk management requirements. |
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