扩大招商范围: 鉴于目前汽车养护市场上有多种类似产品存在深圳翻译公司, 所以我们觉得要想在这个市场领域内打开局面必须另辟奚径。仅依靠描述产品在科技上如何的领先和效果如何的好, 利润是如何的高对经销商是没有太大的吸引力的。同时, 在招商方向上也要不拘泥于传统的经销商, 虽然我们的产品严格意义上说仍然属于汽车添加剂范畴, 包括在使用方法上也需要有专业的技师队伍来进行现场施工。最理想的经销商当然是业内人士为好, 在渠道建立和人员安排上有较大的便利条件, 也有较老道的经验。但是, 考虑到传统的经销商在代理产品的方式上往往比生产商有更大的主动权, 容易造成生产商的被动局面, 很可能是形成招商回款效果不好还承担了铺货帐期的风险, 使生产商在一定时期骑虎难下。为此, 我们有意识的把招商范围扩大化了, 采用行业渠道和传统渠道组合宣传, 尽可能的让招商的宣传面涵盖汽车行业的各个阶层广州翻译公司。
We think we have to find another way out in this field, because of the existence of a lot of similar products in current market. It will not be very appealing by simply describing the cutting edge advantages, outstanding performances and profitability of the products to the distributors. Meanwhile, we should not restrain our direction in traditional distributors. Our products are categorized as car-care products by strict definition, but the correct use of the products requires professional on-site technicians. The insiders are thought to be the ideal candidates, considering their rich experiences and convenience in channel building and personnel allocation. But the traditional distributors have more initiatives than manufacturers in ways of product agency. This usually causes difficulties for manufacturers, like fund circulation difficulty and accounts sale risk. So, we deliberately expand the scope of investment proposal by combining the advertisement of inside channel and traditional channel to cover most of the levels of car industry.