面对国际金融危机的严重冲击, 中国各族人民坚定信心、迎难而上、万众一心、共克时艰, 坚持把保持经济平稳较快发展作为经济工作的首要任务, 统筹做好保增长、保民生、保稳定各项工作, 实现了经济总体回升向好。中国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设取得新的显著成就, 人民生活继续改善, 社会保持和谐稳定深圳翻译公司 。
Facing the severe impact of international financial crisis, the Chinese people of all nationalities, with their firmness and confidence, have braved difficulties, united together and overcame peril of the time. The People's Government have insisted on setting the stable and fast development of economy as the primary mission of economic works and carried out unified planning of works such as keeping the pace of growth, protecting people's livelihood and maintaining stable social order. With the pains-taking efforts of the Chinese people of all nationalities, the overall rally of the economy has been realized. The reform and opening-up and the socialism modernized construction of China have achieved new and outstanding accomplishments. Improvement of people's livelihood is going on and the society maintains its stableness and harmony.
中国积极参加应对国际金融危机广州翻译公司、气候变化等国际合作, 扩大同世界各国交流合作, 为世界和平与发展作出了新的贡献。
China has taken an active part in international cooperation to cope with international financial crisis and climatic change, etc and expanded its intercourse and collaboration with countries of the world, making new contributions to world peace and development.