由于长期闭塞, 罗甸布依、苗族风情草根文化特质明显。罗甸很好地传承了布依文化, 国家布依语标准音以望谟县桑郎地区(原属罗甸县)语音为基础音。罗甸布依族地区是民间歌谣的海洋, 不紧数量多, 而且内容丰富, 类别齐全, 形式活泼。有劳动歌、时政歌、情歌、生活歌、历史传说歌等俄语口译。布依族舞蹈大多为集体舞, 有《板凳舞》和《织布舞》等。
有300多年可考历史的苗族夜乐舞, 是栗木乡拉来寨(青苗支系)人民在丧葬和过年时夜晚所表演的一种集体舞蹈, 曾获全国民族民间文艺调演铜奖。
布依族和苗族等少数民族舞蹈, 明快简活中寓含狂放腼腆, 情、技、景、舞交融, 是“多彩贵州”中的一丛绚烂奇葩德语口译。
Having been isolated with the outside world for long time, Buyei and Miao ethnic groups feature a grass-root culture. Luodian inherits the culture of Buyei people, and the pronunciation of people in Sanglang Area of Wangmo County(originally under jurisdiction of Luodian) has been made the standard pronunciation for Buyei language. Buyei region is the origin of folksongs, which produces a great number of folk songs with different contents and genres. Work, political situation, love, life, history and legends often become the main theme of these songs. Group dancing represents the main feature of Buyei people’s dances, such as Bandeng Dance and Zhibu Dance.
With 300 years of recorded history, Miao People’s night dancing is a type of group dancing performed by people in Lalaizhai of Limu Village (a branch of Qingmiao Ethic Group ) at nights during funeral and at spring festival, and has been awarded the bronze prize for national ethnic and folk culture performance show.
Buyei and Miao people’s dancing are lively and simple, combining wildness, shyness, love, skills, scene with dance, and it is a wonderful art of the colorful culture of Guizhou.