Ethnic Custom
罗甸布依族地区是民间歌谣的海洋, 不紧数量多, 而且内容丰富, 类别齐全, 形式活泼。有劳动歌、时政歌、情歌、生活歌、历史传说歌等等。为重词意, 开头往往重叠, 句句押韵。深圳英语翻译
Luodian Buyi area is the see of folk songs,not only with a great number, but also rich in content and category. There are work songs, current affairs songs, love songs, songs of life, history, legends, etc.. In order to emphasize the meaning of the lyrics, the beginning of the song is often overlap, and every sentence is in rhyme.
Dances of Buyi People mostly are group dances. Such as “bench dance”, “Night Dance" and "weaving dance," and so on.
罗甸苗族夜乐舞, 苗族语音为“哦莫支呃”, 是栗木乡拉来寨(青苗支亲)人民在丧葬和过年的夜晚所表演的一种集体舞蹈, 有300多年可考历史。
Home of Contemporary Yu Gong - Daguan geo-ecological agriculture sightseeing garden
大关村位于罗甸县城北部, 属典型的喀斯特地形地貌, 面积34平方公里,距县城16.8公里, 年均气温16.6℃, 素有 “天然氧吧”“避暑纳凉天然圣地”之称。广州英语翻译
Daguan village is located north of Luodian City,it's a typical karst topography, with an area 34 square kilometers, 16.8 kilometers away from the county, and the average annual temperature is 16.6 ℃, it's known as the "natural oxygen bar" "natural site for summering".
早年大关村境内环境恶劣, 但大关人没有向困难低头, 他们深知苦熬没有出路, 苦干才有希望, 大关人在村支书何元亮的带领下发扬苦干实干愚公精神, 同恶劣的生态环境作斗争, 最终摆脱了贫困, 过上幸福的生活, 大关的新愚公精神震撼全国。如今的大关村, 喀斯特地质地貌奇观, É林植被保存完好, 空气清新, 早已是山披绿装, 稻田汪汪, 郁郁葱葱, 宛如一幅秀丽的山水画。自然景观和人文景观交相辉映, 相得益彰。
The ecological environment of Daguan village was poor in the early days, but People of Daguan Village did not yield to difficulties, they know that only work hard can bring them hope.Under the leadership of party secretary He Yuanliang, People work hard by promoting the spirit of Yu Gong, and struggled with the bad ecological environment. In the end,they get rid of poverty and live a happy life. The spirit of People of Daguan Village shocked the country. Now the karst geological features and forest vegetation are well preserved. The fresh air, green Mountains, rice field look like a beautiful picture of natural landscape. The natural landscape and culture are perfectly joined together, which enriching each other.