根据前期资料和现场考察, Lawas River在具备布置条件的坝址区域范围内, 河段河谷较窄, 220m高程河谷宽度约350m~400m左右, 右岸300m高程以下坡度陡峭, 坡度约 35 °左右, 300m高程以上为平缓山脊, 坡度约15°左右, 左岸400m高程以下坡度较陡, 坡度约35°左右, 400m高程以上为变缓, 坡度约 20~25°左右。河谷两岸基岩基本裸露, 岩性为砂岩、泥岩和页岩互层, 其中砂岩较为坚硬, 具备建坝条件。
According to preliminary data and field investigation, Lawas River is within the range suitable for dam layout. River valley of selected section is narrow, and valley width is around 350m~400m. Slope below 300m on the right bank is steep, with a gradient around 35°, and above 300m is mild ridge with a gradient around 15°. On the left bank, slope is steep below 400m, with a gradient around 35°, and becomes mile above 400m, with a gradient around 20~25°. Base rocks are both banks are basically exposed, and consist of sandstone, mudstone and shale inter-bedded. The sandstone is hard enough for dam construction.
在此河段内, 位于右岸的S. Raya支沟汇入口下游长约550m处, 地形上为深切的U型河谷, 河谷相对较窄, 两岸基岩有明显裸露, 拦河坝工程量较小, 建坝条件较好, 同时位于河道由陡变缓处, 有利于电站水头的利用, 因此选择此处作为本阶段的推荐代表性研究坝轴线。深圳英语翻译
The terrain around 550m downstream of the estuary of tributary S. Raya on the right bank is an incised U-shaped valley that’s relatively narrow with distinctly exposed base rocks on both banks. Therefore, work quantity here will be smaller with favorable dam-building conditions. Besides, the spot where the channel changes from steep to mild is suitable for head construction. Therefore, this site will be the recommended dam axis during current stage.
位于推荐坝线上游约350m处位置, 河谷宽度略有减小, 拦河坝工程量可能会有所减小, 但距离右岸的S. Raya支沟汇入口较近, 围堰及S. Raya支沟导流可能较为复杂, 围堰工程量可能较大;此处位于推荐坝线下游约500m处, 左岸存在一处顺河向山梁, 对溢洪道的布置相对较为有利, 但河谷宽度增加, 拦河坝工程量可能较大。此两处位置, 均具备一定的首部枢纽布置条件, 伴随着研究深度的增加, 可作为下阶段的比选坝线, 本阶段暂不讨论。广州英语翻译
Around 350m upstream of the recommended dam axis, with of valley slightly decreases, thus work quantity of a dam can be lowered. However, retaining work and diversion of tributary S. Raya can be complicated near the estuary of tributary S. Raya on the right bank. This site is around 500 downstream of the recommended dam axis, with a flat-topped ridge running in the direction of river on the left bank, which will facilitate layout of spillway; however, the increment of valley width will lead to more retaining work. Both these two sites are of conditions for layout of head junction, and will be used as comparison axes during the following stage as research work progresses; they are not discussed during this stage.