业界第一个能够在传统数据中心里, 实现硬件装上即用的解决方案。从系统安装, 配置, 到应用的部署, 全部自动完成。
The first solution able to realize plug and play of hardware in traditional data centers in the industry. Complete auto-completion from system installation, and configuration to application deployment.
业界第一个能够在传统数据中心里, 实现完全不需要管理员物理接触的解决方案网站翻译。使无人的动态数据中心成为可能北京翻译公司。
The first solution makes physical contact by administrator completely unnecessary in traditional data centers in the industry. It makes unmanned dynamic data centers possible.
大幅缩小了传统数据中心与集装箱式数据中心的差距, 为客户将来将业务系统迁移到ITPAC模式的集装箱式数据中心做好准备。
Dramatically narrow the gap between traditional data centers and container data centers, and make preparation for migration of customers’ business systems to container data centers in ITPAC mode in the future.