Pre-white balance is adjusted using three reference color temperatures for each CCD being used and aligning the manual white balance operating temperature range with the built-in ATW. The procedure for adjusting the pre-white balance is given below. (Adjusted values are reflected after power is turned on.) When using the SS-3 family, be sure to make this adjustment after first setting AEMODE=0[h]. If AEMODE is set to other than 0[h], there is a possibility that the operating temperature range will not be set as desired. Furthermore, be sure to make adjustments after setting AEMODE=6[h] when using in WDR mode only.
1_ Adjust so a light source having the standard color temperature (approx. 3200K) fills the entire screen.
2_ Set CAT4:AWB PRWBMODE to 0[h].
3_ Set to ADJUST AWB MODE. (Set EXEMODE to 8[h] and switch EXECUTE from 0[h] to 1[h].)
4_ Use PRWBMODE=0[h] to collect the gain for a color temperature of 3200K. Confirm that AWB has converged and switch PRWBMODE from 0[h] to 1[h]. This will establish the gain for a color temperature of 3200K.
1. 进行调节,使具有标准色温(约为3200K)的光源布满整个屏。.
2. 设置CAT4:AWB PRWBMODE设置为0[h]。.
3. 设置为“调节AWB模式”。(EXEMODE设定为8[h],“EXECUTE”从0[h]调整为1[h])。.
4. 使用PRWBMODE=0[h]的设置,获得3200K的色温。确认AWB的汇集,将PRWBMODE从0[h]调节为1[h]。. 此设置将获取3200K的色温音频听译。.