翡翠文化: 翡翠的绿色, 最能体现中华民族的个性, 那就是和平、奋发、自强不息的精神。翡翠的绿色调有是大自然的主色调, 代表着年青、旺盛及向上, 象征着生命。很好的凸显出 中华民族的勤劳、勇往直前的精神。再者翡翠的绿是那样神秘深邃, 高深莫测, 含蓄庄重, 纯洁柔和。它给人们一种欣欣向荣、和平宁静之感上海翻译公司。
Jadeite culture: The green that a jadeite offers represents the personalities of Chinese, above all other things, and that is the spirit for peace, encourage and endeavor. The green is the primary color of nature, often meaning young, prosperous and positive and symbolizing the life. Jadeite, thus, can well show the industrious and advancing heart of Chinese people. In addition, the mystery, deep and far, implicit and elegant, pure and mild, embodied inside the jadeite, bring the flourishing, peaceful and tranquil feelings to people.
玉吉祥文化: “画中要有戏, 百看才不腻; 出口要吉利, 才能合人意”, 吉祥符号, 图案似乎很不起眼, 但却无处不在, 无人不用。吉祥对于中国人而言, 就向水之于鱼, 天空之于鸟, 空气之于人, 是人类借以传达心声的道具。这些图案能帮助人类面对严酷的大自然, 所以是一种信心、力量和希望的吉祥, 说白了, 吉祥就是好兆头, 就是凡事顺心、如意、美满北京翻译公司。
Jade propitiousness culture: A painting with story inside can obsess people and a people uttering auspiciousness can satisfy people. A propitious sign or pattern, though seemed negligible, exists everywhere and is used by everybody. The propitiousness to Chinese people is just like water to fish, sky to bird, or air to human. It is a property that people utilizes to make expression. These patterns help people face a rigorous nature, and thus they are a kind of auspiciousness integrating confidence, force and hope. In frank manner, the propitiousness is a good omen, the smoothness in doing and satisfaction and contentment to doing.