模型出厂前, 甲方当日内对模型进行质量验收, 并在验收合格单上签字, 甲方签字后视为对模型质量的最终认可。
Party A is required to conduct quality check & acceptance to the model on the day when models leave the factory, and sign the check & acceptance conformity sheet. The signature of Party A shall be deemed as the final approval to the model quality.
甲方如未按合同期限付款, 每延期一天, 应向乙方支付总合同额的1‰作为违约金。
In case that Party A fails to pay the payment in accordance with the time stipulated in the Contract, Party A is required to pay 1‰ of the total contract price as penalty to Party B for every overdue day.
如因甲方未及时提供模型相关资料,或制作过程中制作要求修改产生重复制作所造成的工程延期, 乙方不承担违约责任。若甲方要求增加其他内容, 应给予乙方相应的工期及追加相应的费用上海英语翻译。
In case that the construction is postponed due to untimely model material provided by Party A, or repeated manufacture owing to modification required during the manufacture process, Party B shall not assume any responsibilities for the breach of the Contract. In event that Party A requires to add other content, Party A should provide Party B the corresponding construction period and then pay corresponding expenses additionally.
如因甲方原因, 无故单方终止合同的, 乙方已实际收取的模型款不予退还, 若前述款型不足以弥补乙方的实际损失, 甲方还应承担进一步的赔偿责任同声传译。
In case that Party A terminates the Contract unilaterally, Party B shall not refund the received model payment. In case that such model payment is insufficient to make up for the actual loss of Party B incurred hereof, Party A should also assume further indemnification responsibilities.